On the heels of its first 1.0 release last May, six short months later Spring for GraphQL released 1.1 bringing it up to a Spring Framework 6 and Boot 3 baseline on Java 17+ with AOT/Native support, built-in Micrometer observability, Micrometer Context Propagation, improved argument binding, and much more lined up for the 1.2 release in May 2023.
In this talk, Rossen and Brian will use a sample application to demo new features as well as to illustrate how GraphQL requests are handled through the built-in, Micrometer observability support in order to get insight into GraphQL request processing by visualizing data fetching operations. The sample uses a CLI application to consume GraphQL data through the Spring for GraphQL client.
This talk is not intended as a comprehensive intro to GraphQL, but it is intended to allow developers without hands-on experience with GraphQL to understand more about GraphQL applications.