
Look who's talking!
Raquel Pau
Tim te Beek

Spring Boot 3 is here: Where are you? [Workshop]

Raquel Pau - Moderne / Tim te Beek - Moderne

Are you stuck upgrading to Spring Boot 3? Did breaking changes break your spirit? Migrate in mere minutes with OpenRewrite. We’ll explore recipes to get you to Spring Boot 3, picking up Java 17, Junit Jupiter and Jakarta along the way. Don’t put off upgrading any longer, enjoy the benefits today!

Are you faced with upgrading dozens of services to Spring Boot 3? Want an easier way to apply all that you’ve seen at Spring I/O at work? In this workshop we’ll explore automation to get your old Spring projects onto the new Spring Boot 3.1. And we’re not just changing version numbers; we’re actually changing code to adopt breaking changes.

Currently, there are several solutions to automatically upgrade the dependencies. However, in order to take advantage of the Spring API functionalities, it is necessary to also upgrade the source code, which usually conflicts with product priorities.

In this workshop we will explore tooling to migrate to Spring Boot 3.1 and beyond, centered around OpenRewrite. Topics include OpenRewrite itself, writing migration recipes, Spring Tool Suite and Spring Boot Migrator. We’ll explore challenges and limitations along the way, such that you can migrate on your own.


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